Be Not Afraid
How does God lift you up, when the only thing you are able to see is a real and present danger to your family? This pandemic strikes at the very heart of my “mother bear” instincts. Since my 20-year-old daughter has an underlying medical condition that puts her at risk, I’ve been pretty ramped up. The thought of Rebecca getting seriously ill and having to go into the hospital (where I could not go with her) has really taken hold and put fear into my heart. This week, when my husband developed symptoms after being exposed to Covid 19 and was so sick, my fear multiplied. Like a roaring river, I was almost swept away with worry and anxiety. I actually thought, “maybe I’ve been worrying about the wrong family member,” which is so me – as if I had the actual power to keep someone safe by worrying. We quarantined my husband in our bedroom while we waited for him to be tested and get the results. When Rebecca started in with a fever, you can imagine my reaction. It was one of those middle of the night worry sessions that can be so painful. Waiting for test results that would tell me if they were going to be seriously ill was so frightening.
So, I began to pray, asking Jesus to be with me and calm me down. I was reminded of the time in Gethsemane when Jesus wanted his friends to stay awake and be with him. The thought that Jesus wanted the comfort of people he loved helps me to remember that He really knows what it is to be lonely and in need of help. I’ve been reflecting on passages in the Bible where God’s word tells us not to be afraid. I learned that this message appears over 300 times in the Bible. Surely this was one He meant for us to take to heart. I prayed and read my journal entries from this past week and it was as if God was speaking directly to me, encouraging me with His words, spoken so long ago, and yet so perfectly current for this present time. I was reminded of a sermon I heard once where the priest reminded us that Christ did not come to take away our suffering, but to be with us in the midst of it. I went to the prayers I had made for Prayer Life and listened to several, with my eyes closed, trying to get back to sleep. It struck me that these were just the words I needed to hear. All through this past year, I thought I was creating these prayers to help others, when it seemed God had been building up and preparing a rescue for me just when I would need it most. I was able to know that Jesus was truly with me and that whatever happened, He would walk me through it.
My family ended up being okay. What are the odds that my husband would develop a terrible cough 5 days after being exposed to Covid and not having it? And Rebecca’s fever was accompanied by a viral throat infection but wasn’t Covid either. The way that God has accompanied me and continues to do so, has really made all the difference. I heard someone say the other day, “where is God in all of this?” And my answer, my friends, is everywhere. God is everywhere in this – in every hand that helps, every word that comforts, every action that protects someone else. I started to really notice all the ways this pandemic has brought out the very best in us. I saw all the places that God’s love shines through. Take a look out there for yourself and see what I mean. Here are just a few places where I see the love of God shining through in this pandemic:
Love is when friends reach out and let you know they are praying for you.
Love is a sister who takes in your child when you are sick, to keep her safe.
Love is a sister who does your grocery shopping when you are unable to go out.
Love is a nurse who administers your Covid test outside in a tent in cold damp weather, risking her own well-being to protect yours.
Love is a doctor who must stay away from his family to protect them, so he can help others.
Love is a worldwide call to action by one person who set up a way for vulnerable and elderly people to get groceries delivered by people who just want to help.
Love is a brother-in-law who delivers toilet paper to your door just when you needed it most.
Love is a flute teacher, who comes and teaches a lesson, standing outside a window of her young student, so he can still learn.
Love is the person who went to their Aldi grocery store (where you have to put a quarter in the cart to get one to use) who put quarters in every cart, just to help someone else in a small way.
Love is the grocery store worker who comes into work every day, because they know people need to eat even when the rest of the world stays home.
Love is donations coming from all sorts of places to provide feeding programs for kids who are now missing their school lunch and sometimes even their breakfast.
Love is free online resources for kids like books, exercise classes, drawing classes, activities and so much more to help families with children who have to stay home.
Love is a grandfather and granddaughter who live across the street from each other and go out every day and dance on their side of the street, so they can dance “together”.
Love is an older parent who has always been the provider and caretaker, accepting help and knowing the best way he can help in this situation is to stay home and let his family do the taking care for a little while until it is safe again.
So, as we continue along this journey together, let’s keep our eyes open to see all the ways people are choosing to be the eyes, the hands, the feet and the voice of Christ to one another. I’ll share just a few of the beautiful verses from the Word of God, that have helped me this week. I hope they can encourage and touch your heart as much as they do mine.
You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God are my fortress. In his unfailing love, my God will stand with me. Psalm 59:9-10 NLT
The Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on him. Deuteronomy 4:17 NLT
The Lord your God is going ahead of you. He will fight for you. You saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way, as you traveled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Deuteronomy 1:30-31 NLT
You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. Psalm 139:5-6 NLT
But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith”. Mark 5:36 NLT
May he send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you. May the Lord answer all your prayers. Psalm 20:2,5 NLT
God gives rest to his loved ones. Psalm 127:2 NLT
“When I wake up, you are still with me.” Psalm 139:18 NLT
The Lord told me, “Do not be afraid.” Deuteronomy 2:36 NLT